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UC Seal

Economics Faculty

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University of California, Berkeley

Department of Economics
549 Evans Hall #3880
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880

(510) 642-0822

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Last Modified: 04/28/2003

  ECON 281/ARE 239
Seminar in International Economics
Spring 2003
Mondays 12-2 pm
608-7 Evans Hall (before spring break)
201 Giannini Hall (after spring break)

Photo of Maurice Obstfeld Photo of Ann Harrison
Prof. Maurice Obstfeld
Prof. Ann Harrison
January 20 Holiday
January 27 Assaf Razin (Tel Aviv University)
"An Information-Based Trade Off between Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Portfolio Investment: Volatility, Transparency, and Welfare"

February 3 2-4 pm (Note change of time)
Chang-Tai Hsieh (Princeton University)
"Relative Prices and Relative Prosperity"

February 10 Mark Wright (Stanford University)
"Reputations and Sovereign Debt"

February 17 Holiday

February 24 Peter Blair Henry (Stanford University)
"Risk Sharing and Asset Prices: Evidence from a Natural Experiment"

March 3 Giovanni Peri (UC Davis)
"Knowledge Flows and Innovation"

March 10 Hui Tong (UC Berkeley)
"Banking Crises and Currency Crises"

March 17 Alan Taylor (UC Davis)
Sovereign Risk, Credibility and the Gold Standard: 1870-1913 versus 1925-31" (with Maurice Obstfeld)

March 24 No Seminar (spring break)

All seminars after spring break (except the May 5th meeting) will be held in 201 Giannini Hall.

March 31 Ed Leamer (UCLA)
"Can FTAA suspend the law of gravity and give the Americas high growth and better income distributions?"

April 7 Susan Collins (Brookings and Georgetown)
"Probabilities, Probits and Currency Crises"
[Paper and Figures]

April 14 Andrew Bernard (Dartmouth)
"Falling Trade Costs, Heterogeneous Firms, and Industry Dynamics"

April 21 Daniel Trefler (University of Toronto)
"The Long and Short of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement"

April 28 Kose John (New York University)
"A Theory of Comparative Corporate Governance"
[Paper 1] and [Paper 2]

May 5 Note: This seminar will be held in 608-7 Evans.
Bernard Yeung (New York University)
"Corporate Stability and Economic Growth"

May 12 No Meeting