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Economics 196, Special Topics in Economic Research

Fall 2011

Lecture: Wednesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Instructor: Professor Barry Eichengreen
Office: 603 Evans Hall
Office Hours: Mondays 12-2 p.m. Please call or email Cheryl Applewood for an appointment: 510.643.9044 / capplewood@berkeley.edu
E-mail: eichengr@econ.berkeley.edu

Course Information

This course discusses recent research and policy developments. The core objective is to expose students to different aspects of research in economics and how it influences policy. The course is taught jointly by a number of faculty members in the Economics Department and by two acting instructors. This fall the course discusses developments in international economics, behavioral economics, labor economics, finance, and the economics of education. The course consists of 42 hours of lectures, 2 short papers (12-15 pages), and required weekly readings.

Lecture Notes

November 16: Ulrike Malmendier
November 9: John Mondragon
November 2: Enrico Moretti
October 26: John Mondragon
October 19: Atif Mian
October 12: Vladimir Asriyan
October 5: Jesse Rothstein
September 28: John Mondragon; Vladimir Asriyan
September 21: Emmanuel Saez
September 14: John Mondragon; Vladimir Asriyan
September 7: Prof. Eichengreen
August 31: Prof. Eichengreen; John Mondragon; Vladimir Asriyan

Handouts, Links and Readings